About FIAP

Public systems for people and planet.

We are

The entity of the Spanish Cooperation system specialized in the promotion of public policies.

We support the improvement of public systems in over 120 countries. We do this by promoting public talent and knowledge exchange between counterpart institutions in different countries. As a public foundation, we are part of the Spanish and European systems of cooperation and external action. We believe in the value of the public sector to improve the lives of people and the planet.
worldwide map


At FIAP we believe in the power of public policies and institutions to create a better world. 

Because they are the beginning of change, for more people, for a longer period. 

Read the full FIAP Manifesto.

The FIAP in numbers

We connect more than700institutions worldwide
We mobilise more than650 public professionals
per year
Average annual income59million euros in execution
under implementation
*2023 data

BoardPermanent Commission and Advisory Committee


The Board of Trustees is the governing, representative, and administrative body of the Foundation. As outlined in the Foundation’s bylaws, the full Board of Trustees is composed of individuals holding the following institutional positions:


  • Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.

Members, those people who hold the position of:

  • Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes.
  • Minister of the Interior.
  • Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.
  • Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs.
  • Secretary of State for the European Union.
  • Secretary of State for Ibero-America and the Caribbean and Spanish in the World.
  • Secretary of State for International Cooperation.
  • Secretary of State for Justice.
  • Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support.
  • Secretary of State for Trade.
  • Secretary of State for Security.
  • Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament and Constitutional Affairs.
  • Secretary of State for Transport and Sustainable Mobility.
  • Secretary of State for the Environment.
  • Secretary of State for Civil Rights
  • Secretary of State for Equality and for the Eradication of Violence against Women.
  • Secretary of State for Territorial Policy.
  • Undersecretary of Finance.
  • Secretary General of the Presidency of the Government.
  • Director of the AECID.
  • Director of the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies.

The appointment of the members of the Board of Trustees is linked to the political position they hold, which is published in the BOE. Both their identification and their professional trajectory can be consulted in the Transparency Portal.

Permanent Commission

The Permanent Commission of the Board of Trustees exercises the functions delegated by the plenary. Since the FIIAPP mobilizes internationally the public talent of Spanish public institutions, the Permanent Commission is chaired by the Secretary of State for International Cooperation. It is made up of the following members of the Board of Trustees, as stated in the Foundation’s statutes:


  • Secretary of State for International Cooperation. 

Members, those people who hold the powers assigned to:

  • Secretary of State for the European Union.
  • Secretary of State for Justice.
  • Secretary of State for Security.
  • Secretary of State for Equality and for the Eradication of Violence against Women.
  • Secretary of State for Territorial Policy.
  • Director of the AECID.

The appointment of the members of the Permanent Comission is linked to the political office they hold, which is published in the BOE. Both their identification and their professional trajectory can be consulted in the Transparency Portal.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is the body that advises, consults and supports the Board of Trustees with regard to the programming and execution of the activities of the FIIAPP.


  • Secretary of State for International Cooperation.


  • Secretary of State for Public Function.

Framework for action

We are the entity of the Spanish Cooperation system specialized in the improvement of public systems and policies. We implement European and international cooperation projects that contribute to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, as framed in the 2030 Agenda. 

logo cooperación española

The FIAP is the foundation of the Spanish Cooperation system specialized in the improvement of public systems through the exchange of public talent between institutions.  

Logo Gobierno de España

We are a tool at the service of the external action and development cooperation priorities of public administrations.

Logo UE

We are part of the European cooperation system, participating in the definition of priorities and implementing European projects.

Logo Objetivos desarrollo

Our work is defined by two Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 16 (strong institutions) and Goal 17 (partnerships), through which we contribute to all other thematic SDGs.

A unique model of cooperation

We have a unique way of doing things. Do you want to know more about it? More information