THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
05 June 2022
Category : Interview
Indigenous peoples occupy 22% of the world's territory and their role is essential for the maintenance of cultural diversity and biodiversity, according to UNESCO.
The nature managed by these communities is declining less rapidly than in other areas, as they work to protect the environment over the long term through sustainable use of biodiversity management and governance. However, they are the most affected by the ef...
12 May 2022
Category : Reportage
Desde EUROsociAL + trabajamos para combatir el impacto de la corrupción de funcionarios públicos en las mujeres y niñas de América Latina. Como homenaje a las supervivientes de estas prácticas corruptas, hemos escuchado sus historias a través del arte como un medio para transformar percepciones, como un vehículo para generar concienciación y transformación social.
La Camerata Vocal de la Universidad de Valparaíso representa ‘Mujer y corrupción. Voces que denuncian, cantos de libertad’. Foto: EUROsociAL+.Sofia speaks before an audience of judges, prosecutors, aid workers, finance officials, auditors and transparency guarantors, among others. The young woman, a student at the University of Valparaíso, visibly moved, interprets the real case of a girl who went to give birth sick with syphilis. The mi...
09 May 2022
Category : Interview
These are turbulent times for Europe and for the world. But if there is one thing we have to celebrate on 9 May, it is the unity of the European Union in the face of adversity that threatens the pillars on which European values are built. A united Europe is a strong and resilient Europe. Silvia Prada, director of the FIIAPP's Brussels office, discusses the EU's new challenges, how it is managing them and what efforts it is making to position itself geopolitically at the global level.
Question: Looking back, with everything that has happened: the COVID crisis, the war in Ukraine... How is the EU handling the current global context? Answer: The pandemic was one of the crises that pushed European integration forward. The pandemic was the high ...
07 April 2022
Category : Opinion
El territorio donde nace cada persona influye en las oportunidades y en los retos que tendrá que afrontar a lo largo de toda su vida. Costa Rica acaba de aprobar una Ley de Desarrollo Regional para reducir las brechas territoriales en el país con el apoyo de la FIIAPP a través del programa de cooperación EUROsociAL+.
Nine years in legislative terms is nothing. But this time it is the time that lasted a process that led to a State Policy on the territory that will probably change the lives of Costa Ricans. This is its history. In 2013, the Costa Rican Ministry of Planning submitted a request to the EUROsociAL pro...