THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
24 April 2013
Category : Interview
Here is the interview that TV Perú did with @DirectorFiiapp, Javier Quintana, coinciding with the Forum of the EUROsociAL programme.
23 April 2013
Category : Opinion
Travelling to Latin America always makes me feel a degree of personal and professional satisfaction, and I always have a smile on my face as I climb on board the plane. Which is just as well because it means that, rather than getting frustrated, I spend the two-hour delay thinking about what I'm goi...
19 April 2013
Category : Interview
Today, we present César Seoánez Erkell. He is an insurance broker and he is working on a FIIAPP project in Turkey to prevent the contamination of water.
Name of the Project: IPPC - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control How long have you been in the country? 27 months Why did you decide to pack your bags and collaborate with the FIIAPP abroad? Because it was a very good professional op...
17 April 2013
Category : Reportage
Here is the report that was emitted on 13Tv about the FIIAPP. Thank you!