THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
11 November 2021
Category : Opinion
The Pandora Papers scandal shows the need for public policies to act as an enforcer in the prevention of tax fraud
It would have been more difficult today for Zeus to ensure Pandora kept her box closed. Not so much for her and her insatiable curiosity as for the almost definitive conquest by mortals of the right to ...
28 October 2021
Category : Interview
Mario Farnós is a Guardia Civil lieutenant and the director of a project in Mauritania on maritime security. Next, we know his experience in the African country
Mario Farnós is a Guardia Civil lieutenant and the director of a project in Mauritania on maritime security. Next, we know his experience in the African countryWhat was your arrival in Mauritania like? Is there anything you remember in particular?
15 October 2021
Category : Reportage
Ana María Yunpanqui is one of the few women mayors that Peru has. And the first in the history of its municipality, Pomata, in Puno, whose lake represents one of the most significant basins in South America.
Ana María YunpanquiAna María Yupanqui did not have it easy. Belonging to the Aymara ethnic group, which she herself considers "very sexist", she was one of the few rural women...
07 October 2021
Category : Opinion
"The FIIAPP should constitute its vision of digitisation with a human approach, without digitisation being conceived as an end in itself, but as a lever for more and better help to citizens."
In the 21st century, digital technologies are profoundly changing societies, everyday life and working practices. All of this gained momentum as a response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis, which highlighted the need to increase the coordination of international effort...