THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
25 November 2024
Category : Sin categorizar
El proyecto europeo SEACOP, que lidera la FIIAPP en América Latina con el apoyo de Policía Nacional, conecta agentes y autoridades portuarias de América Latina y África para reforzar la inteligencia marítima y proporcionar herramientas para realizar incautaciones
Why does it matter?
Cocaine production and trafficking remain at record highs. The supply of this illicit substance has intensified, but so have seizures by law enforcement authorities in most parts of the world. Colombia, the world's leading producer of coca, is recording record seizures.
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12 August 2024
Category : Sin categorizar
The European cooperation programme "Supporting the 2030 Agenda in Paraguay", coordinated by the FIIAPP since 2020, takes stock of its work supporting Paraguayan institutions
Training of police officers in dealing with victims of gender-based violence.Horizontal political dialogue between the state and indigenous women, police training on gender-based violence and the launch of an official platform on environmental statistics. These are just a few examples of the milestones achieved in Paraguay with the support of the European cooperation program...
30 July 2024
Category : Sin categorizar
El proyecto ha reforzado la formación del personal consular de España en Marruecos, Senegal, Cabo Verde, Túnez, Egipto, Ghana, Nigeria y Etiopía.
- The project, funded by the European Union and coordinated by FIIAPP and the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, has strengthened the training of Spanish consular staff in Morocco, Senegal, Cape Verde, Tunisia, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria and Ethiopia.
11 June 2024
Category : Event
FIIAPP will gather public sector talent from institutions to address the role of public cooperation in facing global challenges and achieving the SDGs in the final stretch of the 2030 Agenda.
Creating effective and transparent institutions that are accountable is one of the key objectives outlined in Sustainable Development Goal 16. Europe has decisively contributed throughout this journey with a unique value proposition: public technical cooperation. By connecting institutions to dir...