• 06 July 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: Archivist Beatriz Franco and her experience cooperating with Latin America

    We interview Beatriz Franco, an archivist who has worked in Latin America through the EUROsociAL+ cooperation project strengthening document management and transparency.

    Beatriz Franco is one of the more than 700 specialists from public administrations that FIIAPP mobilises around the world to work strengthening public systems for people and the planet. She is our #PublicTalent. Today, she tells us about her work and the v...

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  • 01 July 2021


    Category : Interview

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    #PublicExpertise: strengthening the educational system in Algeria

    We interview Professor Antonio Bueno, coordinator of the twinning project in support of the higher education system in Algeria

    We interview Antonio Bueno, Professor of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Valladolid. He is currently the coordinator of the

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  • 29 June 2021


    Category : Interview

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    Supporting entrepreneurship in Cuba through cooperation

    Orelvis Bormey, one of the businesspeople who took part in the 2nd Cuba-EU Expert Exchange programme, tells us about his experience and the support he received from the programme

    Orelvis Bormey, one of the businesspeople who took part in the 2nd Cuba-EU Expert Exchange programme, tells us about his experience and the support he received from the programme

    Why is it important for Cuba to strengthen its entrepreneurial capacities at this time?

    Reinforcing entrepreneurial capacities in Cuba now means adapting. The economic-social model envisaged by the country is constantly shifting, a...

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  • 21 June 2021


    Category : Reportage

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    Mobilising Spanish #PublicExpertise abroad

    Every year, hundreds of prosecutors, judges, teachers, police officers and meteorologists, among others, set out from the Spanish public administrative bodies on missions to collaborate with the institutions in other countries on drawing up laws or public policies. In the last year, FIIAPP has mobilised over 700 professionals from the public sector to take the knowledge and experience held by Spanish public administrative bodies abroad.

    A regional network offering legal assistance to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers from Latin America. A policy to promote the digitalisation

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