THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
25 May 2021
Category : Reportage
The Spanish government recently presented Africa Focus 2023, a Spanish foreign policy action plan for its relations with African countries. FIIAPP, a participant in Spanish activities abroad, will continue to implement this plan through public technical cooperation. We have been doing this with projects that address migration management and the fight against human trafficking as well as the fight to combat Jihadist terrorism and corruption.
Shared interests, development potential and growing geopolitical weight make Africa
13 May 2021
Category : Interview
Interview with Javier Samper, head of the Support Unit with the General Directorate of International Legal Cooperation and Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice, on the international cooperation work undertaken by the Ministry of Justice with FIIAPP.
What does the Ministry of Justice do? What institutions does it cover?
The work of the Ministry of Justice, in relation to FIIAPP -
06 May 2021
Category : Opinion
Borja Jiménez Muñoz, Prosecutor of the International Cooperation Unit of the State Attorney General’s Office writes this opinion article in which he looks into the work of the Prosecutor’s Office and its participation and involvement in cooperation projects for the improvement of judicial systems worldwide.
The FIIAPP slogan “from the public to the public” is reassuring. It transmits a collective objective of institutional collaboration independent of specific interests, and makes us feel that what we do together is positive and can have an effe...
29 April 2021
Category : Interview
Pedro Cartagena tells us in this interview about his experience in Egypt as the coordinator of the Twnning for the strengthening the Egyptian Patent Office, a project finenced by the European Union and managed by FIIAPP
How was your arrival in Egypt? Is there anything you remember in particular?
I arrived in Egypt on 5 January 2020, with great enthusiasm despite missing Three Kings Day, my favourite celebration of the Christmas holidays.What about settling in? What were the hardest and easiest thing...