THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
19 February 2021
Category : Reportage
Democratising access to justice through community mediation is crucial to achieving greater social cohesion and social justice in Latin America
Larissa Estevan is a community mediation agent “driven by my love and commitment to the city where I grew up”, Samambaia, a region of Brasilia. “I became a community mediation agent after seeing a group of agents who enabled horizontal dialogue between recyclable mat...
11 February 2021
Category : Opinion
The SENSEC-EU cooperation project has spent 3 years working to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of Senegal's internal security services. To this end, many people have contributed their professional skills, one of them is Nuria Roncero, key expert in the border control and surveillance component, who tells us about her personal experience in this project.
Picture of Nuria RonceroAll journeys into the unknown begin with mixed feelings. The uncertainty that commonly forms part of our life becomes clear...
04 February 2021
Category : Interview
The CT Public Spaces project, which is funded by the European Union, implemented by the Spanish Civil Guard and managed by FIIAPP, works on exchange, development and improvement related to the capacities of the professionals who are responsible for protecting public spaces in Senegal, Ghana and Kenya to strengthen their capacity to prevent and react to a possible terrorist threat.
We interviewed four representatives of the Senegalese police and national gendarmerie to learn, first-hand, about the content and impact of the training they received at the Civil Guard Special Forces Training Park (PEFE) in Logroño. This...
28 January 2021
Category : Reportage
“Just” – for whom? And a “transition” – to where? We analyse the concept and explain the contribution of EUROCLIMA+ with Cecilia Castillo, FIIAPP colleague and director of climate governance in the programme.
Just Transition. For the planet and for people.What is a Just Transition? Let's break it down bit by bit. Transition (Noun): The action and effect of passing from one mode of being, or of doing things, to another. This is how the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines it and it is what the planet needs. Changing from