THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
06 August 2020
Category : Opinion
A EUROsociAL+ expert explains the vulnerability migrants face at borders
Bárbara Gómez, EUROsociAL+ project technician tells us about the dangers that migrants run at borders and how inequalities increase while they remain in this situation,...
30 July 2020
Category : Reportage
An expert from the A-TIPSOM project tells us why cooperation is more necessary than ever to fight human trafficking today.
In accordance with the Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, human trafficking is defined as “the action of c...
23 July 2020
Category : Interview
“Niger, with its diverse culture and ethnicity, is a country of opportunities"
Fernando Guerrero in FIIAPP's office“Niger, with its diverse culture and ethnicity, is a country of opportunities" Fernando Guerrero, a commissioner with the Spanish Police and head of mission, tells us about his experience as a FIIAPP e...
21 July 2020
Category : Opinion
In this post, Chilean National Defender, Andrés Mahnke, talks about the progress made in Chile's criminal defence with the EUROsociAL+ project
In this post, Chilean National Defender, Andrés Mahnke, talks about the progress made in Chile's criminal defence with the EUROsociAL+ projectThe so-called "social outcry" started in Chile on 18 October 2019 and transformed the country's agenda, not only because its citizens demanded it, and because it exposed the activities of public institutions which now, more than ever, were struggling to cope with hitherto unseen scenarios stemming f...