THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
27 February 2020
Category : Opinion
David R. Seoane, the FIIAPP communication and knowledge management technician, proposes this reflection on the opportunities and challenges of a new decade for Spanish cooperation
David R. Seoane, the FIIAPP communication and knowledge management technician, proposes this reflection on the opportunities and challenges of a new decade for Spanish cooperationIn 1985, Martin McFly calibrated the “flow condenser” of his old DeLorean to travel to the future, to 21 October 2015. Just a month before McFly arrived, the United Nations General Assembly had approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A road map focused on people, t...
20 February 2020
Category : Interview
We interviewed Jose Luis Martin, head of service of the precursor area of the Intelligence Centre against Terrorism and Organized Crime (CITCO). FIIAPP works with this institution through projects such as COPOLAD, a cooperation programme between the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and the European Union in drug policies.
José Luis Martín, head of service of the precursor area of CITCOWhat are precursors?
Precursors are substances which intervene in any way in a chemical process, either to manufacture drugs, narcotics, psychotropics or to manufacture explosives. There are two types of precursors that ar... -
13 February 2020
Category : Opinion
Bárbara Gómez, a democratic governance agent of the EUROsociAL+ programme gives us her vision on the border situation at the Uruguay river basin, shared by Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, and EUROsociAL+ efforts to promote good governance at the borders.
EUROsociAL+ promotes good governance at the borders.We are in the southernmost triple border of America... between Barra de Quaraí (Brazil), Bella Unión (Uruguay) and Monte Caseros (Argentina). This border's lands share, among many other things, the trinat...
06 February 2020
Category : Interview
We interview Cătălin Harnagea, director of RoAid, the Romanian development cooperation agency
Cătălin Harnagea during the interviewRoAid is Romania's international development cooperation agency, which combines the work of Romanian public institutions, civil society and the private sector, to foster global efforts to sustainably alleviate extreme poverty and support stronger democratic institutions in developing countries. R...