THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
05 December 2019
Category : Opinion
Iosu Iribarren, from the FIIAPP Strategy Department, gives us his personal vision of COP25 and how to face the challenge of climate change
Iosu Iribarren, from the FIIAPP Strategy Department, gives us his personal vision of COP25 and how to face the challenge of climate change31 October. The phones keep ringing. And in silence the ticking of the clock reminds us that it’s time to act . There are four weeks left before COP25 begins. It will be in Madrid, there is hardly any time, and a...
03 December 2019
Category : Opinion
Journalist Vicky Bendito tells us about her personal experience marked by the challenges of being born with Treacher Collins syndrome
Journalist Vicky Bendito tells us about her personal experience marked by the challenges of being born with Treacher Collins syndromeWhen my mother brought me into the world, the diagnosis they gave my parents was that I was "retarded". I wonder what would have happened to me if they had gone along with that diagnosis, if I had not had a stimulating environment around me, if I had not been born i...
21 November 2019
Category : Interview
We interview Jesús Agudo Ordóñez, leader of the Twinning project “Forensic training towards advanced examination methods in Turkey” and expert adviser with the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Science, who talks to us about forensic science and what it contributes to this project being carried out in Turkey.
We interview Jesús Agudo Ordóñez, leader of the Twinning project “Forensic training towards advanced examination methods in Turkey” and expert adviser with the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Science, who talks to us about forensic science and what it contributes to this project being carried out in Turkey.What is the main objective of this Twinning project? The objective is to strengthen and improve the methods used in forensic laboratories in Turkey. To do this, arrangements have been made for Spanish for...
14 November 2019
Category : Opinion
Federico Buyolo García, managing director of the ‘Alto Comisionado para la Agenda 2030’ of the Government of Spain gives us an overview of the Sustainable Development Goals established in the 2030 Agenda, particularly highlighting SDGs 16 and 17, those underpinning the activities of the FIIAPP.
When we talk about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , which all countries have made their roadmap to design public policies, to generate multi-agent and multi-sector alliances, to transform the wo...