THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
31 July 2019
Category : Interview
Francisco Sancho, coordinator of the AECID in Bolivia, talks to us about the spanish cooperation and the project “European support for Bolivia’s special forces for fighting drugs”
Francisco Sancho, AECID coordinator in BoliviaWhat role does Spanish cooperation play in Bolivia?
Cooperation in general, and especially in Bolivia, before defining any work, is building dialogue. Dialogue with the Bolivian institutions, with the Bolivian government, at both central and regional le... -
25 July 2019
Category : Reportage
Money laundering is closely related to crimes such as drug trafficking, corruption and organized crime. At FIIAPP we work to fight this problem through a wide range of projects
The concept of "money laundering" arose during the 1920s in the United States. American mafias, dedicated to the smuggling of alcoholic beverages, created a network of laundries to hide the illicit origin of the money derived from this business. ...
18 July 2019
Category : Opinion
Borja Díaz Rivillas, technician from the EUROsociAL+ programme, recounts the experience of Sergio Dos Santos, one of the coordinators of an accounting and tax support core (NAF).
Members of the UNIVALE NAF advising the ASCANAVI associationSergio Dos Santos Reis worked during his childhood and youth as a street vendor selling ice cream and washing cars in the suburbs of the city of Gobernador Valadares, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. He knows very well what it is to...
04 July 2019
Category : Opinion
The Open Justice Strategy of the State Council of Colombia, supported by the ACTUE Colombia project, has received a stellar reform award.
The Open Justice Strategy of the State Council of Colombia, supported by the ACTUE Colombia project, has received a stellar reform award.