THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
27 June 2019
Category : Reportage
On the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated on 5 June, and World Oceans Day, commemorated on 8 June, we highlight the situation and the consequences environmental pollution is currently having and how FIIAPP, through various projects it manages, is helping in the fight to protect the environment
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), environmental pollution has reached alarming proportions, in figures, 9 out of 10 people breathe toxic a...
20 June 2019
Category : Interview
The French Ambassador to Bolivia, Denis Gaillard, talks about the country and the project to fight drug trafficking and related crimes in Bolivia
Denis Gaillard, the French Ambassador to Bolivia -
07 June 2019
Category : Opinion
The director of FIIAPP, Anna Terrón, reflects on horizontal cooperation and knowledge transfer
The director of FIIAPP (second from the left) during her participation in the seminarAs part of her participation in the seminar “La Agenda 2030 y el desarrollo en Iberoamérica. Retos para las políticas de cooperación internacional (The 2030 Agenda and development in Ibero-...
30 May 2019
Category : Interview
We interviewed Jérémie Pellet, general director of cooperation agency Expertise France, FIIAPP's partner in numerous projects and a member of the Practitioners' Network
We interviewed Jérémie Pellet, general director of cooperation agency Expertise France, FIIAPP's partner in numerous projects and a member of the Practitioners' NetworkWhat is Expertise France? What is its job?