THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
23 May 2019
Category : Reportage
To celebrate Africa Day on 25 May, we are highlighting the current situation on this continent, the impact of the 2030 Agenda and what FIIAPP is doing in Africa with its projects
When thinking about Africa, words like poverty, hunger, and war spring to mind... However, Africa has made progress in many respects in recent years, largely thanks to the work being carried out on this continent by cooperation and humanitaria...
16 May 2019
Category : Interview
Rafael Ríos, coordinator of A-TIPSOM: the fight against people trafficking and irregular migration in Nigeria, explains how he has been adapting to the country, what his daily routine is like, and what it is like to work as a FIIAPP expatriate.
How long have you been in Nigeria? How have you adapted to this country?
09 May 2019
Category : Opinion
On the occasion of Europe Day, the head of the FIIAPP office in Brussels, Silvia Prada gave a presentation on the work carried out by the Foundation in its role in European cooperation and on what FIIAPP is doing in the European capital
Silvia Prada, head of the FIIAPP office in BrusselsThe Foundation has had representation in Brussels for almost a decade. Recently, it opened its new headquarters in the Embassy of Spain in the Kingdom of Belgium. The FIIAPP delegations represent the Foundation in its f...
25 April 2019
Category : Reportage
Education is undoubtedly paramount for the development of society. Mindful as FIIAPP is of this fact, it strives for this tool for change to be developed in a number of the Foundation's projects
Education is undoubtedly paramount for the development of society. Mindful as FIIAPP is of this fact, it strives for this tool for change to be developed in a number of the Foundation's projectsAccording to data from the European Statistics Office, Eurostat, in 2017, Spain continued to be the country in the