THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
13 December 2018
Category : Interview
"Colombians are very open, which facilitates closeness"
Image: Pepa Rubio at the AMERIPOL headquarters in BogotáIn this interview, Pepa Rubio tells us about her life in Bogotá since she began her career as an expert in management and gender on the AMERIPOL support project, focused on strengthening the international cooperation capacities of the police forces that are part of...
29 November 2018
Category : Opinion
Antonio Roma, coordinator of cooperation between justice systems at EL PAcCTO, reflects on the role and value of international judicial cooperation within the framework of the project
Antonio Roma at a meeting of EL PAcCTOToday, international judicial cooperation is a necessity for all countries. In particular, if we talk about the European system, we have gone from cooperation between states to cooperation between judges of states, without the need to go through a c...
22 November 2018
Category : Reportage
FIIAPP addresses human trafficking as a global problem: many countries are affected by being the place of origin, transit or destination of victims.
Image participating in the photography contest organised by the FIIAPP project to support the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes in BoliviaThere are many people who fall into the hands of organisations that exploit them, sexually or professionally, taking their freedom against their will. Human trafficking has become the form of slavery of ...
15 November 2018
Category : Interview
The 26th Ibero-American Summit takes place today and tomorrow. Germán García da Rosa, current director of the Public Administration and Social Affairs Area of FIIAPP and who has worked on the preparation of this biennial summit for many years, offers us some keys to it
Germán García da Rosa at a public appearanceHow important is the Ibero-American Summit in the international politics of the participating countries? This is a meeting of the highest political level, since it brings together...