THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
06 October 2017
Category : Opinion
The director of Cooperation and International Taxation of the CIAT describes the great challenges faced by tax administrations in Latin America
The director of Cooperation and International Taxation of the CIAT describes the great challenges faced by tax administrations in Latin AmericaPerhaps "diversity" is the term that best fits Latin America (LA), both due to the geographical, economic and cultural differences between the countries and the inequality in the level of development of their inhabitants. It is not an easy task to define common challenges ...
28 September 2017
Category : Reportage
To date Ghana does not have a Freedom of Information law but it has made some positive strides to ensure transparency and accountability
EU funded Accountability, Rule of law and Anti-corruption Programme (ARAP)In the past years, Ghana has made some positive strides to ensure transparency and accountability within its governance reforms. Some concrete commitments include the development and roll out of a 10 year National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP) as well joining in 2011 the Open Government Partne...
15 September 2017
Category : Opinion
Alicia Miranda Duke, head of studies and research at the Salvadoran Institute for Access to Public Information, describes the challenges to protecting patients’ healthcare information. The European Union programme EUROsociAL+ is contributing to this process by promoting the exchange of experiences between Latin American and European countries
In El Salvador, few topics go as unnoticed in public and media agendas as the management of medical records. The irony is that these documents contain sensitive personal information on the health of thousands of people that should be protected with the highest quality standards. Thi...
07 September 2017
Category : Interview
Olga Montúfar, president of the Fundación Paso a Paso and of the Global Network of Indigenous Persons with Disabilities, talks to us about her experience as an advocate for the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities
Olga Montúfar following a meeting of the United Nations High Commission on Human RightsOlga was born 38 years ago in Mexico in the heart of the indigenous community of San Miguel Totolapan in the state of Guerrero. Polio left her with a motor disability that prevents her from walking. An engineer by training, the difficulties she had to f...