THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
19 May 2023
Category : Opinion
Alfonso Ramírez, Head of the Community Prevention Service, Diputación de Huelva (Spain), reflects on the relationship between drugs and vulnerabilities after his presentation at the International Seminar "Drugs, Vulnerabilities and Territory" that the EU programme COPOLAD, led by FIIAPP, held in Fortaleza, Brazil
08 February 2023
Category : Sin categorizar
La Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas define patente como: un título que reconoce el derecho de explotar en exclusiva una invención. Esto impide a otros su fabricación, venta o utilización sin consentimiento del titular
Today we talk to Pedro Cartagena, industrial property expert at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) and coordinator of the European cooperation project in Egypt that has been worki...
17 January 2023
Category : Sin categorizar
Joaquin Plasencia Garcia, Chief Inspector of the National Police and director of the project "Support to Community Policing in Lebanon" together with Valentina Salvato, project t...
22 November 2022
Category : Reportage
The fight against gender-based violence is a commitment of Spanish foreign action, which is committed to feminist cooperation to combat gender-based violence outside our borders as well.
The fight against gender-based violence is a commitment of Spanish foreign action, which is committed to feminist cooperation to combat gender-based violence outside our borders as well.
FIIAPP, an entity of the Spanish Cooperation, materializes this commit...