THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
16 September 2016
Category : Interview
According to the Ibero-American Secretariat General (SEGIB), South-South cooperation, in practice, is regarded as “a form of independent cooperation that offers strategic partnerships, under conditions of horizontality, between equals, to achieve common goals”. To celebrate the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, we interviewed SEGIB's Social Cohesion and South-South Cooperation Coordinator, Martín Rivero. His work is focused on the day-to-day aspects of projects from and for the South.
What is South-South cooperation?
It's the horizontal cooperation that countries in the South, in the broad sense of the word, undertake among themselves to try to resolve some of their development dilemmas with solutions applicable to thei... -
09 September 2016
Category : Interview
El día 8 de septiembre, se celebra el Día del Cooperante. The 8th of September is the International Volunteers Day. Thousands of professionals, through their work, are fighting against poverty, for sustainable development and a fairer world. Nearly three thousand of them, according to the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), are Spaniards. One of them is Santiago García-Noblejas, Chief Inspector of the National Police. He has worked on international cooperation projects with the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) since 2002 and, as he himself recognises, has been interested in the international sector for nearly his entire life. In this interview, he tells us about his experiences with FIIAPP and his experiences in the world of international cooperation.
Santiago García-NoblejasHow many countries have you visited whilst working on FIIAPP projects?
With FIIAPP projects, just three. I have implemented projects as a coordinator. At first, I was called a PAA, which means Pre-Accession Adviser, and later I was called an RTA, ... -
30 August 2016
Category : Interview
After a long professional career working in customs and border matters at the National Crime Agency (NCA), Geoff took over the reins of SEACOP a year ago, a project he helped form seven years prior.
Where did the idea for the SEACOP project come from?
The idea arose in 2000, but it was in 2009 that the European Commission put together a small group of experts from the Commission itself and proposed that we travel to South America and the Caribbean to identify ways an... -
22 July 2016
Category : Interview
El Defensor del Pueblo es el organismo encargado de defender los derechos fundamentales y las libertades públicas de los ciudadanos. Se trata de una institución independiente que, como tal, desempeña sus funciones con independencia e imparcialidad, con autonomía y según su criterio. Además, el Defensor del Pueblo ha colaborado con la FIIAPP en diferentes proyectos de cooperación internacional. El último sobre la puesta en marcha de la oficina del Defensor del Pueblo en Turquía.
Soledad Becerril, the Ombudsman since 2012, was the first woman to hold the office in Spain. In this interview, she tells us what the work of the Ombudsman's Office consists of:
Do all citizens have access to the O...