THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
02 November 2022
Category : Opinion
Over the last twenty years, Morocco has gone from being a country of emigration to a country of transit and settlement of migrants. This new dimension of migratory movements confronts Moroccan society with new realities that need to be gradually integrated at the political, economic and social levels
Sara Gutiérrez Leiva is coordinator of the project "Living without discrimination: a human rights and gender-based approach", which has worked on the protection ...
16 September 2022
Category : Opinion
Police officers can develop mental and physical health problems due to the traumas they face during their career. Understanding and learning how to manage stress helps to prevent, recognise or avoid misbehaviour that undermines public trust in law enforcement. How do we address mental health in law enforcement?
Valentina Salvato, project officer of the project Promoting community policing in Lebanon, co-led by the FIIAPP, reflects on the importance of paying attention to mental h...
13 September 2022
Category : Reportage
Global data on drug production, trafficking and problematic drug use show a worrying upward trend. The FIIAPP and the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs have decided to strengthen our collaboration in 32 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and 5 in Central Asia through two cooperation programmes. We will do it from a different approach: public health and human rights.
Public policies do not fit in a tweet, they cannot be told in 280 characters, and much more is needed to communicate their scope and action. For this reason, we are launching a series of conversations under the name 'Hablemos de Políticas Públicas' (Let's Talk about Public Policy)...
05 September 2022
Category : Inf first person
Two delegations of foreign ministry and migration officials from Colombia and Ecuador arrive in Spain, on a study visit organised by the EUROFRONT programme, to learn about the border control model implemented in the Schengen area
Two delegations of foreign ministry and migration officials from Colombia and Ecuador arrive in Spain, on a study visit organised by the EUROFRONT programme, to learn about the border control model implemented in the Schengen areaGema Palencia, a EUROFRONT technician, recounts the visit, which takes place between Madrid, Algeciras and Tarifa, in the form of a diary. A journey under the certainty that the only way to tackle transnational crime is through cooperation.
DAY I. 5 September 2022
There will be <...