THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
13 June 2014
Category : Opinion
The World Bank (WB) asserts that in the last decade floods and landslides in Colombia have affected more people and homes than in the previous 30 years. The Andean nation is increasingly vulnerable to natural phenomena. A challenge that has not gone unnoticed by the Colombian government and which Spain is helping to confront.
The World Bank (WB) asserts that in the last decade floods and landslides in Colombia have affected more people and homes than in the previous 30 years. The Andean nation is increasingly vulnerable to natural phenomena. A challenge that has not gone unnoticed by the Colombian government and which Spain is helping to confront.One of the latest natural phenomena that has most affected Colombia was the 2010-2011 “La Niña” event. Its influence on wind patterns caused heavy and intense rains that exceeded habitual rainfall by 200%. These rains caused the destruction of 8,000 homes, damage to more than 4...
05 June 2014
Category : Opinion
Today, 5th June, on the occasion of World Environment Day, Anna Pons, Project Officer in the FIIAPP's Department of Economic Development and Environment, talks to us in this post about the challenges of the future for achieving sustainable development.
On a day like today, exactly 42 years ago, the first United Nations conference dedicated exclusively to the environment was held in Stockholm. In this pioneering “Earth Summit”, the international environmental agenda was launched and, for the first time, beyond highlighting the ...
29 May 2014
Category : Interview
Entrevista al ministro de Asuntos Sociales de Túnez, M. Ahmed Ammar Youmbai.We interviewed the Tunisian Minister of Social Affairs, M. Ahmed Ammar Youmbai.
29 May 2014
Category : Opinion
The coordinator of the FIIAPP Foundation's Monitoring Programme for Spanish Cooperation Policies, Javier Sota, analyzes the goals and perspectives that led the EU to designate 2015 as the European Year of Development.
On 14th April, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the European Union, at a meeting in Luxembourg, approved the declaration of 2015 as the European Year of Development. The EU has been supporting development cooperation since 1957 through a policy that has been progressively expandi...