THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
03 February 2014
Category : Interview
"I hope that the FIIAPP will continue in its role as an expert organisation that specialises in execution of international cooperation projects with government bodies"
Pedro Flores has been the director of FIIAPP since October 2013. In this interview he explains the Foundation's goals for the coming months and his personal experience in the role. - How would you define the FIIAPP? It is a public organisation with two closel...
24 January 2014
Category : Interview
Interview with the Chairman and General Manager of the Chilean Council for Transparency
According to the 'International Transparency' organisation, Chile is ranked 23rd in the list of the least corrupt countries and the Council is aiming to keep moving up the scale. The organisation's chairman Jorge Jaraquemada and its General Manager Raúl Ferrada visited the FIIAPP this week to secur...
17 January 2014
Category : Interview
"We must help middle-income countries. 70% of poverty is there"
For Gonzalo Robles Orozco, this is a bittersweet moment to be heading the General Secretariat of International Cooperation for Development.The Spanish Cooperation Agency that he leads recently celebrated its anniversary at a time in which the crisis has required...
14 January 2014
Category : Opinion
FIIAPP plays one of the most prominent and active roles in the implementation of projects related to this field within the framework of the European Union.
The European Union's concern about mitigating CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) risks has triggered the creation of Centres of Excellence (CoE) in the African Atlantic Façade, Central Asia, Central and Eastern Africa, the countr...