THE BLOG OF THE FIAP. Spanish cooperation
02 October 2013
Category : Opinion
This is an opportunity to definitively incorporate migratory issues in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development is an important milestone in the follow-up to the Río+20 Conference on Sustainable Development and the debates regarding the post-2015 development agenda. The first High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and...
30 September 2013
Category : Opinion
"My hat goes off to most of the experts I’ve worked with, for their ethics and hard work."
In October, the FIIAPP will have a new director. I would like to wish good luck to him and all the people I have worked with during my time at the Foundation. When you change jobs, the best thing to do is to try to learn about your new responsibilities quickly and efficiently. But when you also cha...
29 September 2013
Category : Opinion
The FIIAPP and the ICMPD organized an important meeting onSeptember 11th and 12th in Dakar, as part of the project “Supporting the third phase of the Rabat Process: the Dakar Strategy,” financed by the European Union.
High-level civil servants, key actors and experts shared their experiences and presented best practices for “strengthening political decision-making based on proven migratory data.” This topic, which is extremely important at this time, is directly relat...
23 September 2013
Category : Opinion
How is organised crime changing? What type of response can we expect on a regional level? How can local authorities connect with civil society?
Last May, a conference on “Improving the response to organised crime and drug trafficking along a cocaine route” took place, as part of the “CORMS – cocaine route monitoring system” project. This conference was intended to provide answers to questions such as: How is organised crime changi...