In November 2014, FIAP joined the Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation, an informal network of agencies and bodies directly involved in the implementation of development aid. This is an inclusive and plural space for exchanging experiences, best practices and tools with the objective of finding common ground among its members and which contributes to making progress in poverty reduction.
During the first phase of EUROsociAL, the European Union cooperation programme with Latin America for social cohesion, a Tax Education Network was formed in 2008 with the objective of promoting specialised knowledge and disseminating the lessons learnt in European Union and Latin American tax and educational institutions. The joint work of this community in exchanging experiences has made it possible to “regionalise” best practices in formal and non-formal educational contexts: curricular implementation strategies, teaching methodologies, university extension and social responsibility, multimedia and recreational initiatives, among others.
The RTA is a formal space for dialogue and cooperation which promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the area of transparency and access to information. The FIAP, as the coordinating institution of the EUROsociAL action on transparency and combating corruption, has provided significant support since 2013 to strengthening the RTA.
The Ibero-American Data Protection Network (RIPD) emerged in connection with the agreement reached at the 2003 Ibero-American Data Protection Meeting (EIPD) in La Antigua, Guatemala, which was attended by representatives of 14 Ibero-American countries. The RIPD was set up from the beginning as an inclusive forum for the various stakeholders, in both the public and private sectors, to develop initiatives and projects related to the protection of personal data in Ibero-America. In mid-2014, the RIPD started collaborating in the activities of the EUROsociAL Programme. This relationship has deepened this year with the designation of the FIAP, in its role as the management entity for this Programme, as a member with Observer status in the RIPD.
Since August 2019 FIAP has been part of the Global Action on Disability Network (GLAD), an organization that coordinates donors, bilateral and multilateral agencies, the private sector and foundations, all working to further the inclusion of people with disabilities in international development and humanitarian action. This network, created in 2015, promotes the agreement reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to leave no one behind, as well as the principles reflected in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). To this end, it promotes the joint work of the international community, the exchange of specialized knowledge, the strengthening of organizations that work with and for people with disabilities and the presence of the disability approach among a greater number of organizations.