With the support of the European PACCTO 2.0 programme, Latin American representatives have participated in meetings with European institutions on cooperation in the field of security.
The Ministers of Security and Interior of the member countries of the European Union and the Latin American Committee on Internal Security (CLASI) have adopted the Joint Ministerial Declaration 2025 and the Roadmap of priorities for operational cooperation 2025-2026. These documents address the main organised crime threats between the two regions, identifying shared priorities. The aim is to increase joint activities and synergy between security authorities between the two regions.
The Joint Ministerial Declaration 2025 addresses a number of key issues. Among them, it highlights the commitment to cooperate to combat drug trafficking and dismantle high-risk criminal networks, with a special focus on tracing the illicit flows of money associated with their activity. It also prioritises the fight against human trafficking, smuggling of migrants, illegal manufacturing of and trade in firearms, child sexual abuse, cyber, financial and environmental crime, corruption, organised property crime, illicit trafficking in cultural property and the criminal use of cryptocurrencies.
The declaration also supports the American Police Community (AMERIPOL), reaffirming the commitment to strengthen its role in the fight against serious and organised crime in Latin America. It also stresses the importance of incorporating a gender perspective in the fight against organised crime and strategies to promote women’s leadership in this field.
The delegations of the CLASI member countries, made up of representatives of the Ministries of Interior and Security of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, accompanied by representatives of AMERIPOL, have held an intense agenda, supported by the programme EL PACCTO 2. 0 programme, including meetings with representatives of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament and the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) to exchange views on cooperation on security issues. In addition, they have shared experiences on various issues with representatives of the European Commission, such as the resilience of logistics centres and port security linked to illicit trafficking.
Commissioner Magnus Brunner, Commissioner for Home Affairs and Migration, and Commissioner for International Partnerships, Josef Síkela, also participated in the working meetings; together with representatives of the European External Action Service, Eurojust, EUROPOL, the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA), the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), the European Union Police Training Agency (Cepol) and the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), as well as the Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre for Drug Trafficking MAOC(N).