The Ministry of Public Finances of El Salvador, with the support of the FIIAPP, organised a visit to share its experience in fiscal education with ten Latin American countries, which culminated in the signing of a letter of support to the Fiscal Education Network promoted by EUROsociAL.
As a result of this activity and the significant presence of financial and educational institutions from Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Chile, Honduras, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador and the host El Salvador, the “Letter of Intent on Tax Education and Fiscal Culture EUROsociAL II – Sonsonate (2013)” was signed, where representatives of the different institutions committed to “promote in their respective countries the declaration of public interest of tax education and fiscal culture, whose coordination should be between the Ministries of Finance and Education and Tax Administrations of each participating country, or in their case the instances that the regulations of each country establish”.
Likewise, the Letter underlines the commitment to “promote the exchange of experiences through the Tax Education Network between the different tax education initiatives in Latin America in collaboration with other regions within the framework of EUROsociAL II”.
During the four days of activity, participants had the opportunity to learn about different outstanding experiences of the Central American country such as the strategy for curricular insertion of tax education, the Diploma in Tax Education, the play areas for children and young people “RecreHacienda” and “Éxpresate” located in the facilities of the Ministry of Finance, and the actions carried out with educational centers during the Tax Culture Week, among others. This program received the National Award for Innovation and Good Practices in 2012.
The presence of representatives of educational institutions allowed for opening channels of communication, understanding the problems of both institutions, reflecting on new strategies, and proposing and assuming common challenges between the Ministries of Finance and Education.
Salvadoran institutional support was guaranteed with the presence of the Vice Minister of Finance, Roberto Solórzano, and the Vice Minister of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Erlinda Hándal Vega. Borja Díaz Rivillas, senior technician of the Public Finance, Democratic Institutionality and Social Dialogue Unit, participated on behalf of FIIAPP. This exchange visit is part of the action “Strengthening Fiscal Education Programs” of the Public Finance thematic area.
This activity had significant media coverage in El Salvador, which shows the interest that this sector generates among Salvadoran society in particular and Latin American society in general:
DIARIO COLATINO.COM, EL SALVADOR (03-07-2013) Latin American tax education program launched
MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, EL SALVADOR (02-07-2013) Fiscal Education of El Salvador
MINISTERIO DE HACIENDA, EL SALVADOR (01-07-2013) El Salvador, headquarters of LAC Tax Education Programs