
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


27/05/2022 Reaching out to young people, building the future

Sometimes we tend to think that young people are not interested in global issues, in the economy, in sustainability… We spoke with Raúl Carrillo, project technician at the FIIAPP, and Helena Ripollés, training member of the association of young Europeanists Equipo Europa.


Acercarse a los jóvenes, construir el futuro


18/05/2022 Europe, closer to you

What is Team Europe, how does it affect you, what does Europe do for you? We spoke with Silvia Prada, director of the Brussels office of the FIIAPP to answer these questions.


11/05/2022 More women, more security

One of the main objectives of Lebanon’s community policing is to increase the number of women in the police force. We talk about the effects of such an increase.


04/05/2022 Decentralization, the key to development

In many cases, the place where you are born determines your destiny. Costa Rica’s new regional development law aims to ensure that public services reach every corner of the country.


27/04/2022 International cooperation against drug trafficking

FIIAPP works in Bolivia through a program to support security forces in the fight against drugs. We spoke with Rosa Marín, a lawyer for the Administration of Justice and expert in the program.


20/04/2022 Cryptocurrencies, benefits and risks

We interview the captain of the Civil Guard and expert in cyberintelligence, Alberto Orduna. We talk about cooperation between security forces and cryptocurrencies.