
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


12/01/2022 FIIAPP achievements in 2021

We highlight some of the achievements made in the cooperation projects run by the FIIAPP during 2021, such as the work with the Prosecutor’s Office in Colombia and Turkey, the promotion of access to justice for migrants, and the rights of people with disabilities, among others.

Cooperación hacia la seguridad, la paz y el desarrollo


05/01/2022 People with different abilities

Stereotypes are what we fall back on when it comes to people with disabilities. Today, we will find out a little about the story of two women who will make us see people with disabilities in a different light.

Personas con capacidades diferentes


29/12/2021 Achievements in the fight against climate change

Despite the challenging situation we are facing regarding climate change. Programmes such as EUROCLIMA+ with which the FIIAPP collaborates, work to continue fighting the effects of climate change. Today, we will talk about the achievements being made in this area. 

Logros en la lucha contra el cambio climático


22/12/2021 Paraguay’s healthcare policy

Most caregivers are women. It is important to work on policies that ensure a dignified life for the receivers of care as well as their caregivers. Today, we start with the case of Paraguay.

Política de cuidados en Paraguay


15/12/2021 Managing a country’s waste. The situation in Israel

How is an entire country’s waste managed? FIIAPP manages a cooperation project in Israel to support Israeli institutions in this effort. 

Gestionar los residuos de un país. El caso de Israel


08/12/2021 Fighting corruption in institutions

Ensuring robust, transparent and honest institutions vis-à-vis the public is a key priority for FIIAPP. In our programme today we tell you how we work in each project to achieve such transparency in state institutions. 

Combatir la corrupción en las instituciones