
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


20/10/2021 Turkey and Spain, strengthening Turkish justice

Spain is working together with Turkey to improve and update the skills of judges and prosecutors through a cooperation project with specialists from Spain’s General Council of the Judiciary. 

Turquía y España, reforzar la justicia turca


13/10/2021 CT Public Spaces, protection of public spaces

The fight against terrorism is a priority for the European Union. Public spaces have become the main target of terrorists and that is why their protection is essential. CT Public Spaces works to improve this protection in some African countries. 

CT Public Spaces, protección de espacios públicos


06/10/2021 Prosecutors against corruption and human trafficking

Corruption is the not-so-visible flip side of human trafficking and smuggling. We talk about the work of FIIAPP, with EUROsociAL+, with the prosecution services to end the corruption that conceals trafficking.  

Fiscalías contra la corrupción y la trata de personas


29/09/2021 The right to information

From applying for a school scholarship to being accountable vis-a-vis public institutions. For all this, it is necessary to guarantee access to public information. We interview two experts in the field on the International Day of Universal Access to Information.  


El derecho a la información


22/09/2021 What is border management?

Currently, borders have become a bridge between different countries and regions, which is something that is very positive, but at the same time it makes for a situation that involves risks, a situation which makes border management very important. But what is border management?

¿Qué es la gestión de fronteras?


15/09/2021 CADAP: against drugs in Central Asia

Opioid trafficking is one of the main sources of income for organised crime in Central Asia. FIIAPP manages the European CADAP 7 programme, which promotes drug demand reduction policies through a Human Rights-based approach.

CADAP: contra las drogas en Asia Central