
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


08/09/2021 FIIAPP and the 2030 Agenda

The 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development is a roadmap approved by the UN to face global challenges such as climate change, reducing inequalities and protecting the environment. In this programme, we talk about FIIAPP’s contribution to this Agenda. 

La FIIAPP y la Agenda 2030


01/09/2021 FIIAPP’s work with AEMET

Floods, heat waves… Extreme weather events are becoming ever more frequent. Cooperation between meteorological agencies is essential to minimise their effects on the population and the planet. In this programme, we talk about FIIAPP’s work in cooperation projects with AEMET. 

El trabajo de la FIIAPP con AEMET


21/07/2021 The fight against environmental crimes

Latin America is one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. The EL PACcTO cooperation programme works to fight environmental crimes like species trafficking and mercury dumping, and break up criminal organisations.  

La lucha contra los delitos ambientales


14/07/2021 Cooperation for economic development and the environment

The fight against climate change, greater digitisation, sustainable development… these are some of the global challenges to be faced over the coming decades. FIIAPP’s Economic Development and Environment area works in these sectors through cooperation projects. 

Cooperación para el Desarrollo económico y el medio ambiente


07/07/2021 Justice and security, a joint effort

Judges, prosecutors, police officers, the Civil Guard… all have to work together to guarantee people’s safety. In this programme we talk about the importance of cooperation between the judiciary and security sectors. 


Justicia y seguridad, un trabajo conjunto


30/06/2021 Maritime security in Mauritania

Maritime security in Mauritania is essential to the dismantling of the criminal networks that traffic in people at sea. We tell you about the work to combat this problem undertaken by the Spanish Civil Guard and Mauritanian institutions. 

La seguridad marítima en Mauritania