
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


12/05/2021 Cooperation towards security, peace and development

Having solid institutions is essential to guaranteeing the security and development of societies, which is why FIIAPP has a Security, Peace and Development area through which it can manage projects in countries such as Mali and Burkina Faso. 

Cooperación hacia la seguridad, la paz y el desarrollo


05/05/2021 Civil enforcement in Turkey

It is essential that countries have good judicial systems and that the justice they dispense inspires the confidence of their populations. Through this FIIAPP-managed and European-funded cooperation project, work has been carried out to achieve this.  

Ejecución civil en Turquía


28/04/2021 World Health and Safety at Work Day

28th April is World Health and Safety at Work Day. Day to raise awareness and promote safe, healthy and decent work. In this programme, we talk about the work carried out by FIIAPP with the labour and social security inspectorate.

Día Mundial de la Seguridad y la Salud en el trabajo


21/04/2021 Joint Investigation Team in Niger

Migrant smuggling and human trafficking generate serious human rights violations. In this programme, we learn how the European Joint Investigation Team project in Niger is working to combat these crimes.

Equipo Conjunto de Investigación en Níger


14/04/2021 Strengthening justice through cooperation

The challenges facing justice increasingly transcend national borders, therefore judicial cooperation between countries is essential. In this programme we learn about the FIIAPP’s work through its Justice and Rule of Law department. 

Reforzar la justicia a través de la cooperación


07/04/2021 The Single Window in Cuba

Boosting foreign investment is a priority for Cuba. This programme shows the results of the collaboration of the European ‘Exchange of experts Cuba-European Union II’ programme managed by FIIAPP. 

La ventanilla única en Cuba