
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


17/02/2021 Improving forensic laboratories in Turkey

The training of forensic laboratory staff to solve criminal cases is essential. Turkey is working to achieve European standards through a European Twinning project. Spanish specialists help them adapt their regulations to a European level. 

La mejora de los laboratorios forenses en Turquía


11/02/2021 The response of Spanish cooperation to COVID19

The Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Ángeles Moreno Bau, tells us about the efforts of Spanish cooperation to tackle the pandemic through its support for women, digitisation and #TeamEurope, among other actions.

La respuesta de la cooperación española ante la COVID


08/02/2021 The Just Transition to combat climate change

Climate change is a threat to people and to present and future generations. Faced with this reality, combating the climate emergency involves opting for a new model based on sustainable development. So that this process leaves no one behind, the Just Transition approach is key. 

La Transición Justa contra el cambio climático


27/01/2021 FIIAPP’s work in aviation safety and security

Ensuring that we have safe skies is important to everyone. In today’s programme we talk about FIIAPP’s work with the Spanish Air Safety Agency on European cooperation projects. 

El trabajo de la FIIAPP en seguridad aérea


20/01/2021 Making people with disabilities visible without stereotypes

How can we make disability visible while at the same time combating the stereotypes that surround people with disabilities?  

The photographer Christian Tasso, who has worked in Paraguay, Ethiopia and Ecuador within the framework of the European Bridging the Gap project, tells us all about it. 

Visibilizar la discapacidad


13/01/2021 EUROFRONT: border management in Latin America

EUROFRONT is an European cooperation programme that is being implemented in Latin America with the aim of contributing to security, the protection of human rights and social and economic development at the national and regional level at four border crossings.

El trabajo de EUROFRONT