
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


04/01/2021 The fourth phase of anti-drug trafficking project SEACOP comes to an end

After more than ten years of work, including participation by Spain’s Policía Nacional and Guardia Civil, the fourth phase of SEACOP, a seaport cooperation project to support the fight against drug trafficking, has come to an end.

Finaliza la cuarta fase de SEACOP


23/12/2020 The work of the fishing sector in Turkey through cooperation

FIIAPP manages this Twinning project in Turkey through which Spanish specialists work with their Turkish counterparts to strengthen the country’s fishing sector.

It is a project that is funded by the European Union and counts on the participation of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment and the Galician Department of the Sea.

El trabajo del sector pesquero en Turquía


16/12/2020 The EUROsociAL+ programme in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has joined the European cooperation programme EUROsociAL+, becoming its first member country in the Caribbean. With this inclusion, the programme will work to fight against inequality, reinforce social cohesion and gender equality in the country.

El proyecto EUROsociAL+ en la República Dominicana


09/12/2020 International Civil Aviation Day

What is commemorated on the 7th of December? International Civil Aviation Day. For this reason, today we are talking to a specialist from the European Aviation Safety Agency. Through one of its cooperation projects, FIIAPP works in Ukraine to help adapt its regulations to European standards. 

Día Internacional de Aviación Civil


02/12/2020 International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. From FIIAPP, we are joining this celebration through the work being carried out by the Bridging The Gap project, a European project that supports the inclusion of people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries.


27/11/2020 FIIAPP’s work in education

FIIAPP is committed to the 2030 Agenda and SDG number 4, which ensures quality education. In today’s programme we will be learning about the cooperation projects that FIIAPP manages in collaboration with the Department of Education of Castilla y León.

El trabajo de la FIIAPP en Educación