
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


29/07/2020 FIIAPP’s work with public institutions: Attorney General’s Office

In its commitment to improving public systems, FIIAPP works with public institutions to mobilise knowledge and improve public policy through cooperation. In this programme we talk about the work undertaken by FIIAPP together with the national Attorney General’s Office and for this we have the director of the Centre for Legal Studies, María de las Heras, who is the current liaison judge in Washington D.C.


La FIIAPP y las instituciones públicas: la Fiscalía


22/07/2020 International cooperation during the pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced everyone to adapt to a new situation and a different way of working. FIIAPP has had to make changes both in its offices and in the projects it manages.  Experts from the A-TIPSOM projects, the Cuba-EU Expert Exchange Programme and Strengthening the Albanian Competition Authority explain how they have adapted to enable them to keep working in this new scenario.

La cooperación internacional durante la pandemia


16/07/2020 EUROCLIMA+ and Meteorology

EUROCLIMA+ is a regional programme for Latin America that contributes to the fight against climate change and alleviating its problems and consequences. The programme is financed by the European Union and partly managed by FIIAPP.  One of the topics being studied is precisely that of meteorology, due to its relationship with climate change.

Euroclima+ y la Meteorología


09/07/2020 Egypt improves its patent office

Patenting any invention is very important, since, for many products, having it patented makes it possible to control counterfeits. FIIAPP is managing this European Union-funded Twinning project between Spain and Egypt to help them improve their Patent and Trademark office. The Spanish coordinator and the Egyptian coordinator tell us about the project.



Egipto mejora su oficina de patentes


01/07/2020 What are cyber patrols?


The network is not always a crime free space. Since the internet became popular, cybercrime has steadily increased.

Faced with this situation, in this week’s programme we interviewed the chief inspector of the National Police, Diego Alejandro Palomino, to talk about the work the police undertake on the internet: cyber patrols.


¿Qué es el ciberpatrullaje?


13/03/2020 What is energy efficiency?

This week we are joined by collaborators in the renewable energy project in Cuba, which receives funds from the European Union and in which the FIIAPP is a participant. They will help us delve into the meaning of energy efficiency and how we can help reduce energy consumption, produce less pollution and mitigate climate change.

Cooperación pública y eficiencia energética