
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


29/11/2019 Alternative measures to imprisonment in Latin America

This programme addresses the problem of the prison system in Latin America and the work of three projects, funded by the European Union, in whose management FIIAPP participates, namely: EUROsociAL+, EL PAcCTO and COPOLAD.

Medidas alternativas a la prisión en América Latina



22/11/2019 Strengthening free competition in Albania

To facilitate the process of Albania’s accession to the European Union, FIIAPP is managing a project, funded by the European Union, to strengthen free competition in Albania along with the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC).

Cooperación pública con Albania


14/11/2019 What is the Spanish drug and addiction observatory?

This week, in Public Cooperation in the World, we talk about the work of the Spanish drug and addiction observatory. An observatory that works with the COPOLAD II programme, funded by the European Union and managed by the FIIAPP.

Proyectos de cooperación publica en el ámbito de las…


08/11/2019 Security at Bolivian airports

This week, in Public Cooperation in the World, we talked about how the project to combat drug trafficking in Bolivia works to reinforce security at Bolivian airports.

‘Cooperación pública en el mundo’, hoy en Bolivia


03/04/2017 La Fiiapp y los órganos de justicia españoles


03/06/2015 Proyecto de medio a