
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


24/05/2023 Morocco is working to reform its judicial system

The division of powers (legislative, executive and judicial) is basic to democracies. The Spanish prosecutor’s office is working hand in hand with its Moroccan counterparts to strengthen the role of its prosecutor’s office.

Marruecos trabaja en la reforma de su sistema judicial


17/05/2023 The right to civil identity

Civil identity is the guarantee of the right to recognition as a person before the law. It is a universal right, yet more than 1 billion people in the world do not have an identity. This can have serious consequences for individuals, who may see their fundamental rights violated.

El derecho a la identidad civil


10/05/2023 Radicalisation Awareness Network

New technologies and the use of the internet bring with them many positive things, but also some not so positive things, such as the uncontrolled spread of radical ideas. Europe is working on the project Political support for RAN to fight radicalisation. Don’t miss it in our programme.

Red de sensibilización sobre la radicalización


03/05/2023 Digitalisation: Present and future also in Latin America

Digitalisation is the present and the future, it is here to stay. Today we talk to a data protection specialist working in Latin America and the Caribbean who is working on a European project managed by the FIIAPP with the aim of bringing the digital transformation in the Latin American region into line with the European Union.

Digitalización: Presente y futuro también en América Latina


26/04/2023 Governance with citizen participation

Participatory governance is a fundamental tool for including citizens in decision-making. In Angola, FIIAPP is implementing the PASCAL project to support civil society in local governance in the country. The objective: to strengthen participatory democracy at the local level.

Gobernanza con participación ciudadana


12/04/2023 Saving lives through maritime safety

Maritime security saves lives and Fiiapp has managed a European project in which the Guardia Civil has worked with Mauritanian security forces. We tell you about the objectives achieved.

Salvar vidas gracias a la seguridad marítima