
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


05/04/2023 Drugs: what if we reduce demand?

The European Cadap project works to reduce the demand for drugs in Central Asia and does so from a gender equality perspective with the aim of ensuring that women and men are treated equally.

Drogas: ¿y si reducimos la demanda?


29/03/2023 What is counter-terrorism? Myths and truths

29Globalisation has led to an interconnectedness between nations and this also encourages terrorism. We talk about terrorism and debunk some of the myths surrounding the concept.

Qué es contraterrorismo, mitos y verdades


22/03/2023 Alternatives to drug-related imprisonment

Countries in the Americas have recognised that mass incarceration for drug offences is ineffective in disrupting drug trafficking and protecting public health. We heard testimonies from affected people and experts on the need to seek alternatives to incarceration for minor drug offences.

Alternativas a la cárcel por motivos de drogas


15/03/2023 Fight against drug trafficking in Bolivia

Money laundering and human trafficking are related crimes of drug trafficking. We talk about one of the European projects working to combat drug trafficking and related crimes in Bolivia.

Lucha contra el narcotráfico en Bolivia


08/03/2023 The gender perspective in cooperation

Gender equality is on the agenda of all institutions. Public policies are key to reducing gender gaps. We spoke with the head of the Public Administration Area of the FIIAPP about the importance of feminist cooperation to combat inequalities around the world.

La perspectiva de género en cooperación


01/03/2023 Psychoactive substances

We find out a little more about psychoactive substances and some of the myths about them. Ernest Robelló, coordinator of the European CADAP programme, talks to us about drugs, debunks some myths and tells us about the importance of cooperation.

Las sustancias psicoactivas