
FIAP in Radio Nacional de España


22/02/2023 Data protection

Data protection is important to avoid breaking the law or incurring a criminal offence. We have to be cautious with the treatment of data if we do not want very personal things to reach an interview, ruin our reputation or even end in suicide. We spoke to the director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) on the subject.

La protección de datos


15/02/2023 The importance and difficulty of communicating

If they search for you on the internet and don’t find you, it’s as if you don’t exist. Communicating is important, but also sometimes difficult depending on the subject. The European programme EL PAcCTO has come to an end and its communications manager tells us what it has been like to communicate the work they have done in order to reach the public in their fight against organised crime.

La importancia y la dificultad de comunicar


08/02/2023 Support for the judiciary in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic’s judiciary has undergone important changes in the last 15 years and very important advances have been made in almost all aspects of its judicial system. We talk to you about the European project Support to the Dominican Judiciary and the work that is being done.

Apoyo al poder judicial en República Dominicana


01/02/2023 Niger, a transit point for criminal groups

Niger is what is known as a transit country through which migrants must pass, driven by criminal groups in order to cross European borders irregularly. The European ECI Niger project has worked and will continue to work to dismantle these criminal groups involved in human trafficking and smuggling.

Níger, punto de tránsito para grupos criminales


25/01/2023 Netcop: Information network for joint investigations

We have spoken on several occasions about the importance of sharing knowledge and information between different countries, especially when it comes to security. Today we are talking about Netcop, a European-funded project that stands for Network of Joint Operational Partnerships.

Netcop: Red de información para investigaciones conjuntas


18/01/2023 Strengthening security on Ghana’s northern border

In recent years, radical groups operating in the Sahel have been detected in Ghana. This situation has led the Ghanaian government to create the Ministry of National Security and within this ministry a Counter Terrorism Intelligence Centre. Today we talk about Norprevsec, a European project working to strengthen security in the African country.
Norprevsec un proyecto europeo que trabaja para reforzar la seguridad en el país africano.  

Refuerzo de la seguridad en la frontera norte de Ghana