EU police support to the Bolivian Special Police Force in the fight against organised crime. Phase II.


The drug problem disproportionately impacts vulnerable populations, especially those living in poverty and social exclusion. This phenomenon is related to three main stages: production, trafficking and consumption, with trafficking being the most lucrative and having the greatest negative effects on human rights, development, the economy and quality of life.

This project continues the work done in the previous phases (Phase I and Bridge Phase), seeking to contribute to the implementation of the Strategy against the Illicit Trafficking of Controlled Substances and Control of the Expansion of Coca Crops (2021 - 2025).

Project objectives

General objective

Contribute to the implementation of the Strategy against Illicit Trafficking of Controlled Substances and Control of the Expansion of Coca Crops.

Specific objective

Strengthen intelligence and investigation systems, regional and international cooperation mechanisms, and police and judicial training schools to help disrupt the criminal networks.

Contribución del proyecto a los ODS

Project data


Justice and the Rule of Law




Start - 20/11/2024
End - 19/11/2028

Total budget

5.000.000 €


European Comission

We work with

Ministry of Justice (Judiciary and General State Prosecutor's Office) and Ministry of the Interior

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